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"Filling the void in the current scholarship, Giannis Stamatellos provides the first book-length study of the Presocratic influences in Plotinus' Enneads. Widely regarded as the founder of Neoplatonism, Plotinus (204-270 AD) assimilated eight…

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The point of view put forth in the following pages differs greatly from the common perspective according to which the treatises 30 to 33 constitute a single work, a Großschrift , and this single work, Plotinus’ essential response to the Gnostics. Our…

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"This is the first full-length commentary on Plotinus' Ennead I.4 (46), a work written at a late stage in Plotinus' life when he was suffering from an illness that was shortly to prove fatal. The main concern of Ennead I.4 (46) is the good man and…

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As the most important philosophical work to emerge in the 700-year period between Aristotle and Augustine, The Enneads has been subject to intense scrutiny for more than 2000 years. But the mystical and abstract nature of these treatises by Plotinus…

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"The author offers a study on the scientific knowledge of sensible reality in the Enneads. In so doing, she presents a radical new perspective on the philosophy of Plotinus and engages in an intense, detailed, and critical re-reading of Plotinus and…

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"The Roman philosopher Plotinus (c. 205-70) is perhaps best known today for his doctrine of self-transformation through contemplation: "Never stop sculpting your own statue, until the godlike splendor of virtue shines forth to you." Since its…

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"This book is addressed to readers new to the Enneads. One of the greatest of ancient philosophers, Plotinus is attracting ever-increasing attention from those interested in ancient philosophy, late Antiquity, and the importance of this period for…

Perhaps because he is strictly neither a classical nor a medieval philosopher, Plotinus' work has been rather reglected in the English-speaking world. The author has rescued him from this relative obscurity and has indicated some of the ways in which…
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