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The Zohar is a mystical commentary on the Torah that is the basis for Kabbalah. This is a difficult book to translate. Matt, who has taught Jewish mysticism at Stanford University and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, is working his way through the…

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The Zohar is a mystical commentary on the Torah that is the basis for Kabbalah. This is a difficult book to translate. Matt, who has taught Jewish mysticism at Stanford University and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, is working his way through the…

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The Zohar is a mystical commentary on the Torah that is the basis for Kabbalah. This is a difficult book to translate. Matt, who has taught Jewish mysticism at Stanford University and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, is working his way through the…

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The Zohar is a mystical commentary on the Torah that is the basis for Kabbalah. This is a difficult book to translate. Matt, who has taught Jewish mysticism at Stanford University and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, is working his way through the…

The Zohar is a mystical commentary on the Torah that is the basis for Kabbalah. This is a difficult book to translate. Matt, who has taught Jewish mysticism at Stanford University and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, is working his way through the…

"They don't have syntax, so we can eat them." According to Richard Sorabji, this conclusion attributed to the Stoic philosophers was based on Aristotle's argument that animals lack reason. In his fascinating, deeply learned book, Sorabji traces the…
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