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"The subject of Mystical Languages of Unsaying is an important but neglected mode of mystical discourse, apophasis. which literally means "speaking away." Sometimes translated as "negative theology," apophatic discourse embraces the impossibility of…

"Alexandria in 412 CE was a venerable city that honored and preserved great learning. But it was also a city wracked by religious conflict that finds echoes in our own time. Within this maelstrom we find Hypatia, a woman of great intellectual…

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Most anyone interested in such topics as creation mythology, Jungian theory, or the idea of "secret teachings" in ancient Judaism and Christianity has found "gnosticism" compelling. Yet the term "gnosticism," which often connotes a single rebellious…

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"The seer (mantis), an expert in the art of divination, operated in ancient Greek society through a combination of charismatic inspiration and diverse skills ranging from examining the livers of sacrificed animals to spirit possession. Unlike the…

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"When we look at the soaring spaces of Chartres cathedral or the shimmering pages of a gilded and painted manuscript, we are witnesses to a new kind of vision. In this radical reappraisal of Gothic art in Europe, the word "Gothic" describes not only…

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"This book advances an understanding of Plotinus' views on the natural cosmos and their relevance to natural philosophy and the development of science. The contributors confront issues concerning the presence of scientific principles and conceptions…
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