The Bon religion claims to be the original and authentic religion of the Tibetan people, and to have been firmly established in the Land of Snows long before Buddhism was introduced in the seventh century AD. Although its adherents were gradually…
The Book of Lost Tales contains the first forms of the myths that came to be called The Silmarillion. These include early accounts of Gods and Elves, Dwarves, Balrogs, and Orcs; of the geography and cosmography of their invented world, J.R.R.…
The Book of Lost Tales contains the first forms of the myths that came to be called The Silmarillion. These include early accounts of Gods and Elves, Dwarves, Balrogs, and Orcs; of the geography and cosmography of their invented world, J.R.R.…
Mulla Sadra (ca. 1572{u2013}1640) is one of the most prominent figures of post-Avicennan Islamic philosophy and among the most important philosophers of Safavid Persia. He was a prolific writer whose work advanced the fields of intellectual and…