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In a comprehensive and original study of the early history of Islam, Wilferd Madelung describes the conflict that developed after the death of the Prophet Muḥammad, between his family, Hāshim, and his tribe, Quraysh, for the leadership of the…

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A proposal from the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) requesting funds from local and federal government agencies to create Black owned and controlled economic institutions in Cleveland. These institutions included the CORE Enterprise Corporation (a…

Report from Wilfred Ussery about the Western Regional Office of the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE). He explains that most programs in the West are a "result of chapters pursuing or implementing programs they develop," and he lists staff members…

Addition to the report from the Western Regional Office in January, which includes budget information, office expenses, a projection, and recommendations.

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Describes the characteristics of the Gothic style, looks at the most famous cathedrals of Europe, and explains how the Gothic style developed.
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