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The neglected history of how intellectuals since the Renaissance have approached ideas of the occult which challenged biblical religion.

Recent years have seen a spectacular rise of the New Age movement and an ever-increasing interest in its beliefs and manifestations. This fascinating work presents the first comprehensive analysis of New Age Religion and its historical backgrounds,…

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Relates how Arthur, son of Uther-Pendragon, became king of Britain, won a queen, and came to establish the Round Table.

Part 1/2 of a booklet produced after three San Diego news stations co-produced a discussion of local racial issues. The broadcast aired one week after San Diego's vocal response to the Watts Riots in Los Angeles and featured nine panel members.

Part 2/2 of a booklet produced after three San Diego news stations co-produced a discussion of local racial issues. The broadcast aired one week after San Diego's vocal response to the Watts Riots in Los Angeles and featured nine panel members.
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