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  • Tags: Plotinus

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"The Roman philosopher Plotinus (c. 205-70) is perhaps best known today for his doctrine of self-transformation through contemplation: "Never stop sculpting your own statue, until the godlike splendor of virtue shines forth to you." Since its…

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"The Arabic Plotinus was the most important source for Neoplatonic ideas in the Arabic world. Falsely attributed to Aristotle and known as the 'Theology of Aristotle', the Arabic version of Plotinus' Enneads was influential on Muslim philosophers…

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"Filling the void in the current scholarship, Giannis Stamatellos provides the first book-length study of the Presocratic influences in Plotinus' Enneads. Widely regarded as the founder of Neoplatonism, Plotinus (204-270 AD) assimilated eight…
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