Revelation, Intellectual Intuition and Reason in the Philosophy of Mulla Sadra: An Analysis of the al-hikmah al-'arshiyyah
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Revelation, Intellectual Intuition and Reason in the Philosophy of Mulla Sadra: An Analysis of the al-hikmah al-'arshiyyah
Ṣadr al-Dīn Shīrāzī, Muḥammad ibn Ibrāhīm, -1641. Hikmah al-'arshiyyah
This book examines and analyses the legitimacy of the widely held claim that Mulla Sadra's philosophy (al-hikmah al-muta'aliyyah) is a synthesis of principles and doctrines drawn from revelation (wahy), gnosis ('irfan/ma'rifah) and discursive philosophy (al-hikmah al-bahthiyyah). In Mulla Sadra's view, these three major sources of knowledge can be brought together without contradiction and accorded their respective roles in the human quest for true and certain knowledge.
This book discusses and demonstrates how Mulla Sadra achieves this synthesis as
This book discusses and demonstrates how Mulla Sadra achieves this synthesis as
Zailan Moris
London : RoutledgeCurzon
Series: Curzon Sufi series.
Table Of Contents
Cover; Title Page; Copyright Page; Dedication; Table of Contents; Acknowledgements ; Introduction ; 1 Knowledge ('Ilm) in Islam: A General Background for Understanding Mulla Sadra's Epistemological Views; The Fundamental Principles of Islam; The Emphasis on Knowledge ('ilm) in the Quran and Hadith; The Hierarchical Structure of Reality; The Traditional Islamic Educational (Madrasah) System; 2 Revelation, Intellectual Intuition and Reason in the Quran and Hadith and in Subsequent Islamic Thought before Mulla Sadra; Revelation (wahy) and Intellect (al-'aql) in the Quran and Hadith
Revelation, Intellectual Intuition and Reason in the Mashsha'i (Peripatetic) and Ishraqi (Illuminationist) Schools of Islamic PhilosophyRevelation, Intellectual Intuition and Reason in the Perspective of the Sufis; 3 The Life and Works of Mulla Sadra; The Life of Mulla Sadra; The Works of Mulla Sadra; 4 Does There Exist a Synthesis of the Truth Claims of Revelation, Intellectual Intuition and Reason in the Philosophy of Mulla Sadra?; The Transcendent Philosophy or al-Hikmah al-muta'aliyah of Mulla Sadra; The Ontological Primacy (asalah), Unity (wahdah) and Gradation (tashkik) of Being (wujud)
Transubstantial Motion (al-harakah al-jawhariyyah)The Unity (al-ittihad) of the Knower (al-'aqil) and the Known (al-ma'qul); The Catharsis (tajrid) and Independence of the Imaginative Faculty; Does There Exist a Synthesis of the Truth Claims of Revelation, Intellectual Intuition and Reason in Mulla Sadra's Philosophy?; 5 How Does Mulla Sadra Synthesize the Truth Claims of Revelation, Intellectual Intuition and Reason in his Philosophy?; Metaphysics; Eschatology; An Analysis of Mulla Sadra's Method of Synthesis of the Truth Claims of Revelation, Intellectual Intuition and Reason
6 Is Mulla Sadra Successful in his Synthesizing Effort?An Evaluation of Mulla Sadra's Synthesis of the Three Sources of Knowledge; An Evaluation of Mulla Sadra's Synthesis of the Truth Claims of Revelation, Gnosis and Discursive Philosophy; The Impact and Influence of Mulla Sadra's Philosophy on Subsequent Islamic Philosophers; Afterword; Bibliography; Subject Index
Revelation, Intellectual Intuition and Reason in the Mashsha'i (Peripatetic) and Ishraqi (Illuminationist) Schools of Islamic PhilosophyRevelation, Intellectual Intuition and Reason in the Perspective of the Sufis; 3 The Life and Works of Mulla Sadra; The Life of Mulla Sadra; The Works of Mulla Sadra; 4 Does There Exist a Synthesis of the Truth Claims of Revelation, Intellectual Intuition and Reason in the Philosophy of Mulla Sadra?; The Transcendent Philosophy or al-Hikmah al-muta'aliyah of Mulla Sadra; The Ontological Primacy (asalah), Unity (wahdah) and Gradation (tashkik) of Being (wujud)
Transubstantial Motion (al-harakah al-jawhariyyah)The Unity (al-ittihad) of the Knower (al-'aqil) and the Known (al-ma'qul); The Catharsis (tajrid) and Independence of the Imaginative Faculty; Does There Exist a Synthesis of the Truth Claims of Revelation, Intellectual Intuition and Reason in Mulla Sadra's Philosophy?; 5 How Does Mulla Sadra Synthesize the Truth Claims of Revelation, Intellectual Intuition and Reason in his Philosophy?; Metaphysics; Eschatology; An Analysis of Mulla Sadra's Method of Synthesis of the Truth Claims of Revelation, Intellectual Intuition and Reason
6 Is Mulla Sadra Successful in his Synthesizing Effort?An Evaluation of Mulla Sadra's Synthesis of the Three Sources of Knowledge; An Evaluation of Mulla Sadra's Synthesis of the Truth Claims of Revelation, Gnosis and Discursive Philosophy; The Impact and Influence of Mulla Sadra's Philosophy on Subsequent Islamic Philosophers; Afterword; Bibliography; Subject Index
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Zailan Moris, “Revelation, Intellectual Intuition and Reason in the Philosophy of Mulla Sadra: An Analysis of the al-hikmah al-'arshiyyah,” Humanities Hub, accessed February 23, 2025,