Rábiʻa: the life & work of Rábiʻa and other women mystics in Islam

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Rábiʻa: the life & work of Rábiʻa and other women mystics in Islam


This authoritative account of the life and teachings of the ninth-century Muslim saint, Rabi'a, represents the first complete biography of this unique individual. Discussing the place of Rabi'a in Islamic tradition, Dr Smith also offers a survey of the female saints and mystics of the Muslim world, providing an unusual insight into women's impressive contribution to the rich heritage of Islam.


Margaret Smith


Oxford : Oneworld



Table Of Contents

Part I. The Life of Rabi'a. I. Rabia al-Adawiyya: Her Birth and Early Years --- II. Rabia's Choice of Celibacy --- III. Rabia's Asceticism and Prayer-Life --- IV. Miracles --- V. Rabia's Declining Years ---- Part II. Rabi'a's teachings and writings. VI. The Sufi Doctrine --- VII. Repentance, Patience, Gratitude --- VIII. Hope and Fear --- IX. Poverty, Renunciation, Unification, Dependence --- X. Love, Gnosis, the Vision, Union ---- Part III. Women mystics in Islam. XI. The Position of Woman in Muslim Lands --- XII. The Position Attained by the Woman Saint --- XIII. Celibacy and the Monastic Life --- XIV. The Communion of Saints --- XV. The Cult of Women Saints in Modern Islam.

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Margaret Smith, “Rábiʻa: the life & work of Rábiʻa and other women mystics in Islam,” Humanities Hub, accessed February 23, 2025, https://humanitieshub.sdsu.edu/omeka/items/show/1873.