The First Poets: Lives of the Ancient Greek Poets
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The First Poets: Lives of the Ancient Greek Poets
"In The First Poets, Schmidt rescues the lives of classical Greek poets from their relative obscurity. Here is Orpheus, the first of the first poets, healer, mystic, and magical fixer; and Homer, about whom almost nothing is known for certain except the magnificence of his two great epic poems. Here are Linos and Arion, who survive only in legend; and Amphion, who survives through the tales we ascribe to him. Here are Sappho, the greatest Greek woman writer, and Hesiod; Hipponax, the "dirty old man of poetry"; and Theocritus, the father of the pastoral; and many others." "Combining the verifiable facts of their lives and the narratives provided by later writers, Schmidt walks the fine line between fact and scholarly conjecture to create vivid, animated, wonderfully compelling portraits of these ancestors of our culture."--Jacket.
Michael Schmidt
Table Of Contents
Orpheus of Thrace -- The legend poets -- Homer -- The Homeric Apocrypha -- The Iliad and the Odyssey -- Hesiod -- Archilochus of Paros -- Alcman of Sardis -- Mimnermus of Colophon -- Semonides of Amorgos -- Alcaeus of Mytilene -- Sappho of Eressus -- Theognis of Megara -- Solon of Athens -- Stesichorus of Himera -- Ibycus of Rhegion -- Anacreon of Teos -- Hipponax of Ephesus -- Simonides of Cos -- Corinna of Tanagra -- Pindar of Thebes -- Bacchylides of Cos -- Callimachus of Cyrene -- Apollonius of Rhodes -- Theocritus of Syracuse.
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Michael Schmidt, “The First Poets: Lives of the Ancient Greek Poets,” Humanities Hub, accessed February 6, 2025,