Knowledge of God in Classical Sufism: Foundations of Islamic Mystical Theology

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Knowledge of God in Classical Sufism: Foundations of Islamic Mystical Theology


God (Islam) -- Worship and love
Sufism -- Doctrines


New York : Paulist Press


translated and introduced by John Renard ; preface by Ahmet T. Karamustafa


Series: Classics of Western spirituality.

Table Of Contents

Introduction. pt. 1. Foundational sources and the Islamic religious disciplines -- pt. 2. Experiential knowledge of God in classical and medieval Sufi texts -- pt. 3. Beyond the classics -- Texts in translation. Abū Naṣr as-Sarrāj: The book of flashes (Kitāb al-lumaʻ) -- Abū Bakr al-Kalābādhī: The exploration of Sufi teachings (Kitāb at-taʻarruf) -- Abū Ṭālib al-Makkī: The book of knowledge (Kitāb al-ʻilm): part thirty-one of The sustenance of hearts (Qūt al-qulūb) -- ʻAlī ibn ʻUthmān Hujwīrī: The revelation of realities veiled (Kashf al-maḥjūb) -- Abū ʻl-Qāsim al Qushayrī: The treatise on Sufism (Ar-Risālat al-qushayrīya) -- ʻAbd Allāh Anṣārī: The hundred fields (Ṣad maydān): resting places of the wayfarers (Manāzil as-sāʼirīn) -- Abū Ḥāmid Muḥammad al-Ghazālī: The elaboration of the marvels of the heart (Kitāb sharḥ ʻajāʼib al-qalb): book 21 of the Revitalization of the religious disciplines (Iḥyāʼ ʻulūm ad-dīn) -- Ibn al-ʻArīf: The beauties of spiritual sessions (Maḥāsin al-majālis) -- Abū Ḥafṣ ʻUmar as-Suhrawardī: The benefits of intimate knowledge (ʻAwārif al-maʻārif).

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“Knowledge of God in Classical Sufism: Foundations of Islamic Mystical Theology,” Humanities Hub, accessed March 9, 2025,