Neoplatonism and Indian Thought
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Neoplatonism and Indian Thought
Papers presented at an international conference held at Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada in October, 1976; sponsored jointly by Brock University and the International Society for Neoplatonic Studies. Includes bibliographical references and index.
Norfolk : International Society for Neoplatonic Studies
edited by R. Baine Harris
Series: Studies in Neoplatonism ; v. 2.
Table Of Contents
Introduction / John R.A. Mayer -- Indian wisdom and Porphyry's search for a universal way / John J. O'Meara -- Plotinus and the Upanisads / Lawrence J. Hatab -- Proclus and the Tejobindu Upanisad / Laurence J. Rosán -- Buddhi in the Bhagavadgītā and psyché in Plotinus / A.H. Armstrong and R.R. Ravindra -- The Plotinian one and the concept of Paramapurusa in the Bhagavadgītā / I.C. Sharma -- Phraseology and imagery in Plotinus and Indian thought / Richard T. Wallis -- Meditative states in the Abhidharma and in pseudo-Dionysius / David F.T. Rodier -- Matter and exemplar: difference-in-identity in Vijñānabhiksu and Bonaventure / John Borelli -- Cit and Noûs / Paul Hacker -- Matter in Plotinus and Śaṁkara / Francisco García Bazán -- Śaṁkara and Eriugena on causality / Russell Hatton -- Union with God in Plotinus and Bayazid / Mohammad Noor Nabi -- Advaita Vedānta and Neoplatonism / R.K. Tripathi -- The concepts of human estrangement in Plotinism and Śaṁkara Vedānta / Ramakant Sinari -- Plotinus and Śrī Aurobindo: a comparative study / Pritibhushan Chatterji -- The influence of Indian philosophy on Neoplatonism / C.L. Tripathi -- A survey of modern scholarly opinion on Plotinus and Indian thought / Albert M. Wolters -- Neoplatonism, Indian thought, and general systems theory / John R.A. Mayer -- Some critical conclusions / I.C. Sharma.
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“Neoplatonism and Indian Thought,” Humanities Hub, accessed March 5, 2025,