Arrest of Harold Brown for Bank of America protest, November 1964
Documents pertaining to Harold Brown's arrest for protest actions against the Bank of America, November 1964. Includes signed petitions from individuals wishing to serve one day each of Brown's jail sentence in lieu of Brown.
Civil Rights Bill, H. R. 7152, February 1964
A copy of the landmark bill H.R. 7152, stamped by Congressman Lionel Van Deerlin. This bill became the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
Civil Rights Movement in San Diego: Brief History
A brief history of economic conditions for African Americans in San Diego prior to the Civil Rights Movement, and the gains made by CORE in employment, housing, and education, starting in 1960.
Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), 1963-1965
Documents related to the activity of the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), particularly the San Diego chapter, including speeches, voter registration, and strategy for protest actions.
Bank of America Employment Practices, 1964-1965
Documents related to the direct protest action of the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), San Diego chapter, against Bank of America’s unfair employment practices, and subsequent affirmative action initiated by the state government. Includes reports by the California Fair Employment Practice Commission (FEPC).
Community Involvement
Handwritten essay titled "Community Involvement" in which CORE's work is discussed, including how to define "community involvement," establishing a network of communication, the importance of working with individuals, community outreach, and recommendations for moving forward.
Correspondence, 1964-1965
Letters, telegraphs, and other communications both sent and received by Brown from 1964-1966. Topics include passage of the Civil Rights Act, political and community organization around the issue of civil rights, CORE conference attendance, protests and demonstrations across the southern United States, Brown's appointment to committees, and many others.
CORE application for funding grants
A proposal from the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) requesting funds from local and federal government agencies to create Black owned and controlled economic institutions in Cleveland. These institutions included the CORE Enterprise Corporation (a non-profit economic research and educational corporation), the CORE Special Guarantee Fund, and the Black League of Automobile Consumers.
"Suggested Guide Lines for Future Organizational Expansion"
A paper written by James Farmer, National Director of the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), suggesting means for the organization to grow in the future, with an emphasis on achieving greater political power via the National CORE Political Action Department.
CORE-lator newsletter
Issue of the bimonthly newsletter “CORE-lator” published by the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE). Articles cover topics such as the statewide California action campaign against Bank of America’s discriminatory hiring practices, and the round-the-clock vigil in support of the Freedom Democratic Party’s delegation to the Democratic national convention.
CORE Leadership Training
Documents related to a program called Self-Help Through Providing Neighborhood Leadership, created by the San Diego chapter of the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE). This program was designed to give leadership and community strength in the southeast area of San Diego, particularly in the areas of employment, housing, and education. Included in this folder are the original project proposal, and a resolution honoring Harold Brown’s service as Executive Director of Self-Help Through Neighborhood Leadership upon his departure from the post in August 1967.
Meeting Minutes
Minutes of meetings of the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), primarily the national level committees such as the National Action Council and its Steering Committee. Topics include: reporting on instances of terror throughout the South that were not prosecuted; financial and campaign reports throughout the country; discussion of CORE’s future direction; and improving schools.
Memoranda from national level staff of the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE). Topics discussed include: expenses and financial reports; new job positions in the Administrative, Fundraising, and Public Relations departments; and activities in the South including voter registration, support of the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party, and educational programs.
Montgomery Ward Employment Practices
Documents related to the Congress of Racial Equality's (CORE’s) fight against Montgomery Ward’s allegedly discriminatory hiring practices.
National Republican Convention
Documents related to the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE’s) activities during the National Convention of the Republican Party held at the Cow Palace in San Francisco, CA, 1964, including civil rights rallies, marches, and picket lines.
Northeast Region of Congress of Racial Equality (CORE)
Documents from the Northeast Regional office of the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), including a comprehensive field report and article.
Safeway Employment Practices
Letter and statistics from Safeway Stores, Inc., sent to the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), reaffirming their non-discriminatory employment policy.
San Diego Congress of Racial Equality (CORE)
Field report from Louis S. Smith, Field Secretary for the Western Regional office of the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), discussing confrontations between rival factions within the San Diego chapter. The report includes the following sections: proposed changes to San Diego CORE’s constitution; letters from disgruntled members who were denied voting rights; a letter from L. Bud Gardner (an organizer with the Socialist Workers Party); and a letter of complaint to CORE’s national leadership regarding ten San Diego CORE members who were denied voting rights.
San Diego Gas & Electric Employment Practices
Documents related to the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE’s) demands of San Diego Gas & Electric Company to have more equitable employment practices.
San Diego Zoo Job Discrimination
Documents related to the San Diego chapter of the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE’s) demands of the San Diego Zoo to have more equitable employment practices. Includes correspondence between San Diego CORE Chairman Harold Brown, the Citizens Interracial Committee of San Diego County (CIC), and the Director of the San Diego Zoological Garden, Dr. Charles R. Schroeder.
Socialist and Communist Members - Subversive Activities
Documents related to members of the San Diego chapter of the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) accused of being members of the Socialist or Communist parties. Includes correspondence between local and national level CORE officers discussing subversive factions within the chapter.
CORE Southern Region
Documents covering the activities of the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) in the South, particularly in the states of Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, and Louisiana, in the areas of voter registration and citizen education. Includes project reports, financial statements, and resource inventories.
CORE Western Region
Reports from the Western Regional office of the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) in San Francisco, covering program objectives, staff, equipment, facilities, and expenses.
Free at Last: A History of the Civil Rights Movement and Those Who Died in the Struggle
A publication of the Civil Rights Education Project at the Southern Poverty Law Center, featuring photographs and a timeline of significant civil rights events and activists in America. This copy features an inscription and autograph by George Stevens dated 1989.
"The Racial Issue in San Diego"
Transcript and written comments regarding the first jointly produced television program in San Diego. Harold Brown as well as eight other panelists discussed "whatever tensions exist in the San Diego community between the racial majority and the racial minorities--primarily the negro minority."