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  • Collection: The Peter Philp Library of Western
    Esotericism and Global Wisdom Traditions

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As religious rituals, rites of passage, and celebrations of the body, athletics were deeply woven into the fabric of ancient Greek life. Modeled after physical exercises and competitions that existed in earlier Near Eastern cultures, hundreds of…

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"Engraved plates from the great works of architectural history illustrate a journey around the architecture of civilizations east and west, from Ancient Egypt to the Industrial Revolution. Extended captions and annotations supply the reader with a…

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Alexandria. Bride of Cities. Mistress of the Sea. Fabled city of Alexander the Great. In this remarkable volume, expert scholars and a master photographer capture a lasting impression of the capital and seaport founded by Alexander on Egypt's…

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The heroic age of the Mycenaeans -- Greek beginnings and the remembrance of the Heroic Age -- Archaic Greek art -- Archaic Greek architecture -- Greek art 500-450 B.C. -- Greek classic art -- Greek art in its second classic phase : late fifth century…

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The narrative describes Dante's travels through Hell, Purgatory, and Paradise or Heaven, while allegorically the poem represents the soul's journey towards God.
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