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  • Collection: The Peter Philp Library of Western
    Esotericism and Global Wisdom Traditions

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"This book examines the subject of woman in Islam from a largely historical standpoint. Attention is focused on the main Islamic countries; that is, the Arab world, Turkey, Iran, and Mogul India. Islamism in Black Africa and east and Southeast Asia…

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In a comprehensive and original study of the early history of Islam, Wilferd Madelung describes the conflict that developed after the death of the Prophet Muḥammad, between his family, Hāshim, and his tribe, Quraysh, for the leadership of the…

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Describes the characteristics of the Gothic style, looks at the most famous cathedrals of Europe, and explains how the Gothic style developed.

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Includes facsimiles of all the illustrated books and a transcription of the texts.

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"William Blake--poet, artist, philosopher and consummate craftsman--combined the many facets of his genius in an entirely original manner in his now famous 'Illuminated Books', which he wrote, illustrated and printed himself. In The Marriage of…
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