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  • Collection: The Peter Philp Library of Western
    Esotericism and Global Wisdom Traditions

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From the ancient halls of learning, down through the centuries, comes a vast wealth of heretofore secret information about the intrinsic nature of life. Until the time of H.P. Blavatsky, much of this knowledge was a deep mystery to most of the world.…

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This book inaugurates an important new series that provides a chronological account of intellectual life and the development of ideas in Western Europe from the medieval period to the present.


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Gerardus van der Leeuw was one of the first to attempt a rapprochement between theology and the arts, and his influence continues to be felt in what is now a burgeoning field. Sacred and Profane is the fullest expression of his pursuit of a…

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Probes the history, origins, and purpose of the pyramids in the Valley of Mexico, Yucatan, and Central America, with emphasis on the Pyramid of the Sun and the Pyramid of the Moon near Mexico City. Recounts the history of these structures from their…
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