Traces the use of geometric signs by the Nabis and other French artists and relates this to the development of abstraction. The author describes some of the sources of ideas about the symbolism of geometric signs, in particular the writings of…
This book brilliantly illuminates part of our prehistoric heritage that has for long been shrouded in darkness and mystery. Built over 5000 years ago, the megalithic monuments of Ireland with their spectacular art have baffled scientists for…
"William Blake's wife once said of him: "I have very little of Mr. Blake's company; he is always in Paradise". This illustrated biography of the great English artist, poet and mystic brings us very much into Blake's company, presenting, often in the…
In a comprehensive and original study of the early history of Islam, Wilferd Madelung describes the conflict that developed after the death of the Prophet Muḥammad, between his family, Hāshim, and his tribe, Quraysh, for the leadership of the…