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Describes the legacy of Pythagoras, the ancient Greek mathematician and mystic who contemplated the order and symmetry behind musical beauty, discussing Platonists, string theory, and Bertrand Russell.

"Pythagoras's influence on the ideas, and…

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This collection is about Paracelsus and the wide range of issues he explored, and ones taken up by many who were directly or indirectly affected by the same mental universe that sustained his thought and writings. This volume includes strong…

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Probes the history, origins, and purpose of the pyramids in the Valley of Mexico, Yucatan, and Central America, with emphasis on the Pyramid of the Sun and the Pyramid of the Moon near Mexico City. Recounts the history of these structures from their…

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Gerardus van der Leeuw was one of the first to attempt a rapprochement between theology and the arts, and his influence continues to be felt in what is now a burgeoning field. Sacred and Profane is the fullest expression of his pursuit of a…
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