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Selections From His Writings, Translated From the Persian with Introduction and Notes

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This is the most accessible work in English on the greatest mystical poet of Islam, providing a survey of the basic Sufi and Islamic doctrines concerning God and the world, the role of man in the cosmos, the need for religion, man's ultimate…

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"Much attention has been devoted in recent years to Christian asceticism in Late Antiquity. But Christianity did not introduce asceticism to the ancient world. An underlying theme of this fascinating study of pagan asceticism is that much of the work…

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Letter from James Farmer, the National Director of CORE, to all of CORE's members regarding the results of the November 1964 elections.

Telegram from the Congress of Racial Equality's director, James Farmer, encouraging Harold Brown to communicate with his local representatives about the importance of the Civil Rights Bill.
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