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"Richard Sorabji presents a study of ancient Greek views of the emotions and their influence on subsequent theories and attitudes, pagan and Christian. The central focus of the book is the Stoics, but Sorabji draws on a vast range of texts to give a…

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Written by nineteen leading scholars, this illustrated general history tells the story of Christianity from its origins to the present day. Includes a chronology of events.

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"The gnostic writings found at Nag Hammadi have stimulated much controversy about the relationship between early Christians and the diverse religious movement of the first three centuries. Perkins fills the New Testament student's need for a guide to…

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A study of the life and work of the 9th-century Irish scholar Johannes Scottus Eriugena. It includes an extended summary of his most important work, 'Periphyseon', a remarkable attempt at a synthesis between the Bible and Neoplatonist philosophy.

This is an introduction to the 9th-century philosopher and theologian John Scottus Eriugena, perhaps the most important philosophical thinker in Latin Christendom in the period between Augustine and Anselm. Eriugena was known as the interpreter of…
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