"Engraved plates from the great works of architectural history illustrate a journey around the architecture of civilizations east and west, from Ancient Egypt to the Industrial Revolution. Extended captions and annotations supply the reader with a…
As religious rituals, rites of passage, and celebrations of the body, athletics were deeply woven into the fabric of ancient Greek life. Modeled after physical exercises and competitions that existed in earlier Near Eastern cultures, hundreds of…
In Lambeth in the 1790's, against a background of war and revolution in the American colonies and in Europe, and at home the denial of civil liberties and emergent radicalism, William Blake composed three uncompromising books in illuminated printing…
Looks at the architecture of Islamic mosques, schools, gardens, caravanserais, bridges, markets, cities, homes, and fortresses, and discusses Islamic design and materials.
William Blake's Milton, one of his two great illuminated epics, is featured in this fifth volume of the Blake Trust collected edition of Blake's illuminated books. This is the first-ever reproduction of the magnificent copy of Milton in the New York…
If the Urizen books contain Blake's account of Genesis, written and depicted from the 'devilish' perspective of a 'Bible of Hell', then the continental prophecies present his critical reckoning with the history of his own times, a fascinatingly…