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Argues that the Gospels should not be taken literally, that Jesus did not exist, and that there is a connection between Egyptian mythology and Christianity.

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Publisher Fact Sheet In Jesus and the Lost Goddess, Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy take their ideas about the pagan origins of Christianity in a startling new direction. Did the original Christians revere a goddess with the same fervor they bestowed…

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"In Lost Christianities, Bart D. Ehrman offers a fascinating look at these early forms of Christianity and shows how they came to be suppressed, reformed, or forgotten. All of these groups insisted that they upheld the teachings of Jesus and his…

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"Over 2000 entries on angels and angelic beings"

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An illustrated tour of The Cloisters, presenting hidden treasures and details of the collection that might be missed by the casual visitor.

Examines the philosophical and spiritual climate of the Roman Empire during the period between the accession of Marcus Aurelius and the conversion of Constantine. During this period, material decline was steepest and the ferment of new religious…
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