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KSDO Radio (San Diego) program "Viewpoints" co-hosted by Harold K. Brown and the Rev. E. Major Shavers. The program format was initial comment by the co-hosts followed by listener call-in questions and comments. The program topic was "the role of…

KSDO Radio (San Diego) program "Viewpoints" co-hosted by Harold K. Brown and the Rev. E. Major Shavers. The program format was initial comment by the co-hosts followed by listener call-in questions and comments. The program topic was "the role of the…

KSDO Radio (San Diego) program "Viewpoints" co-hosted by Harold K. Brown and the Rev. E. Major Shavers. The program format was initial comment by the co-hosts followed by listener call-in questions and comments. The program topic was the San Diego…

KSDO Radio (San Diego) program "Viewpoints" co-hosted by Harold K. Brown and the Rev. E. Major Shavers. The program format was initial comment by the co-hosts followed by listener call-in questions and comments. This program included interviews and…

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To tell Krishnamurti's vast, even mythic life story, Blau turns to a group of "witnesses" such as Aldous Huxley, Joseph Campbell, Henry Miller, and Van Morrison, who reveal their personal recollections of him. Through various passages of his own…
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