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If the Urizen books contain Blake's account of Genesis, written and depicted from the 'devilish' perspective of a 'Bible of Hell', then the continental prophecies present his critical reckoning with the history of his own times, a fascinatingly…

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William Blake's Milton, one of his two great illuminated epics, is featured in this fifth volume of the Blake Trust collected edition of Blake's illuminated books. This is the first-ever reproduction of the magnificent copy of Milton in the New York…

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In Lambeth in the 1790's, against a background of war and revolution in the American colonies and in Europe, and at home the denial of civil liberties and emergent radicalism, William Blake composed three uncompromising books in illuminated printing…

The Self-Disclosure of God continues the author's investigations of the world view of Ibn al-'Arabi, the greatest theoretician of Sufism and the "seal of the Muhammadan saints. The book is divided into three parts, dealing with the relation between…

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"Muhyi ad-Din Ibn 'Arabi (1165-1240) was an outstanding Spanish-born mystic and one of the most prolific writers in Islamic history. He made major contributions to the fields of Qur'an commentary, jurisprudence, theology, philosophy, cosmology, and…

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As stated in the introduction, two of the three texts translated in this book focus on the contents of Islamic faith, while the third concentrates on the details of practice--that is, the works that Muslims should perform in order to observe the…

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There are almost no authoratative books readily available for the general reader that provide, in clear and accessible language, an introduction to the spiritual perspective illuminating Rumi's magical poetry. In this beautifully illustrated work,…

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