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The heroic age of the Mycenaeans -- Greek beginnings and the remembrance of the Heroic Age -- Archaic Greek art -- Archaic Greek architecture -- Greek art 500-450 B.C. -- Greek classic art -- Greek art in its second classic phase : late fifth century…

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This pioneering work opened C.G. Jung's eyes to the psychological and spiritual significance of the Indian mandala, and it remains the clearest introduction to the essence of Indian art and yoga for both the specialist and general reader. Heinrich…

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Photographs of different art shows featuring the work of Beeb Salzer

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Masterpieces of Islamic architecture, ornamentation, mosaics, and decorative arts illustrate a study of the spiritual significance of art in the Islamic religion and the link between liturgy and iconography.

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This book includes the full scope of Chinese Arts, From early Antiquity to this century.

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