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  • Tags: William Blake

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The first section of this book follows Blake out of the family haberdashery shop, where his parents tacitly and unwittingly shaped his future as a poet; then into (and out of) the custody of Basire, Moser, and the Medway militia. The book then turns…

This landmark edition of William Blake's Visions of the Daughters of Albion provides the first full-size reproduction of the Huntington Library's copy of the work, printed and colored by Blake and his wife, Catherine, in 1793. Generally seen as a…

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Preface by David Bindman, General Editor. Foreword. List of Abbreviations. Introduction. The Plates with a transcription of the text. Plates From Other Copies. Commentary on the text and the plates. Appendix. Works Cited.

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If the Urizen books contain Blake's account of Genesis, written and depicted from the 'devilish' perspective of a 'Bible of Hell', then the continental prophecies present his critical reckoning with the history of his own times, a fascinatingly…

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William Blake's Milton, one of his two great illuminated epics, is featured in this fifth volume of the Blake Trust collected edition of Blake's illuminated books. This is the first-ever reproduction of the magnificent copy of Milton in the New York…

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In Lambeth in the 1790's, against a background of war and revolution in the American colonies and in Europe, and at home the denial of civil liberties and emergent radicalism, William Blake composed three uncompromising books in illuminated printing…

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The narrative describes Dante's travels through Hell, Purgatory, and Paradise or Heaven, while allegorically the poem represents the soul's journey towards God.
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