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For the non-Muslim, Mecca is the most forbidden of Holy Cities--and yet, in many ways it is the best known. Muslim historians and geographers have studied it, and countless pilgrims and travelers--many of them European Christians in disguise--have…

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"The Incoherence of the Philosophers ranks among the most important works of one of the most fascinating thinkers in the history of Islam." "Born in the eastern Iranian city of Tus in 450 A.H. (1058 C.E.), Abu Hamid Muhammad al-Ghazali also died…


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The great 13th century Muslim philosopher explores the mysteries of divine love and wisdom, using the symbolic examples of Biblical figures, prophets and holy men, from Adam to Muhammad.

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The fourth volume of the Anthology of Philosophy in Persia deals with one of the richest and yet least known periods of philosophical life in Persia, the centuries between the seventh/thirteenth century, that saw the eclipse of the school of…
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