From Rumi's whirling dervishes in Turkey over 700 years ago, to circles of silent mystics in the West today, this book reveals the history and practices of Sufism, the ancient but still active system of Islamic mysticism which has long been the…
"In the wake of Alexander the Great's triumphant successes, Greeks and Macedonians came as conquerors and settled as ruling classes in the lands of the eastern Mediterranean. Jews endured a subordinate status politically and militarily, a minor…
The beauties of the Egyptian Museum are presented to the reader by museum director, Professor Ernesto Scamuzzi. The reader will be authoritatively informed while enjoying the panorama of Egyptian art from its shadowy beginnings, through its great…
This volume presents the most important portions of Erwin Goodenough's classic thirteen-volume work, a magisterial attempt to encompass human spiritual history in general through the study of Jewish symbols in particular. Revealing that the Jewish…