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The occult has been a source of both ideas and images for modern poets from W.B. Yeats to James Merrill. Poets as diverse as Ezra Pound, H.D., Sylvia Plath, Robert Duncan, and Ted Hughes were both fascinated by, and skeptical of, such phenomena as…

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Masterpieces of Islamic architecture, ornamentation, mosaics, and decorative arts illustrate a study of the spiritual significance of art in the Islamic religion and the link between liturgy and iconography.

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"The purpose of the present work is to evoke as authentically as possible the spiritual climate in which the Gothic cathedral was born, and to do so by allowing contemporary witnesses to speak for show how the Gothic cathedral was the…

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"Gnosticism was a contemporary of early Christianity whose demise can be traced to Christianity's efforts to silence its teachings. The Gnostic message, however, was not destroyed but simply went underground. Starting with the first emergence of…
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