A landmark work of scholarship and literary translation, The Gnostic Bible presents the most significant and beautiful sacred texts of gnostic mysticism. The gnostics were religious thinkers who believed that salvation is found through mystical…
Evaluates the meaning of the controversial newly-discovered Gospel of Judas, illustrating how the text offers an understanding of Judas's betrayal, the apostles' understanding of Jesus's death, and God's role in the crucifixion.
"Gnosticism was a contemporary of early Christianity whose demise can be traced to Christianity's efforts to silence its teachings. The Gnostic message, however, was not destroyed but simply went underground. Starting with the first emergence of…
Presents a portrait of the freemason leader, noting his influence on eighteenth-century artists and royality, and citing his alleged theft of Marie Antoinette's diamond necklace and his arrest by the Inquisition for heresy.