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Collection of regular patterns from many cultures and periods--Jacket.


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This authoritative account of the life and teachings of the ninth-century Muslim saint, Rabi'a, represents the first complete biography of this unique individual. Discussing the place of Rabi'a in Islamic tradition, Dr Smith also offers a survey of…

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This history examines the complex origins of religious dissent in 19th century Qajar Iran (then known to Westerners as Persia), & how it provided a mood & attitude which led to far-reaching political dissent, culminating in the establishment of a…

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Until now, few primary texts on the Kabbalah have been available in English. Under the auspices of the Bronfman Library of Jewish classics, this historic publication of Gates of Light allows readers to enter the hidden world of the Kabbalah and its…

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"This book is a detailed, illustrated exploration of the ancient trade routes between Europe and Asia. The author provides a comprehensive history of the Silk Road and examines many of the most celebrated works of art discovered in each country,…

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