A study of problems revolving around the subject of intellect in the philosophies of Alfarabi (d. 950), Avicenna (980-1037), and Averroes (1126-1198), this book pays particular attention to the way in which these philosophers addressed the tangle of…
Aristotle's On Interpretation, the centrepiece of his logic, examines the relationship between conflicting pairs of statements. The first eight chapters, analysed in this volume, explain what statements are, starting from their basic components--the…
MS1010 originates from Yemen. The manuscript details the story of Noach utilizing an exquisite Hebrew calligraphy. The text is written on beautiful Gevil utilizing a format of 50 lines per column. The widths of the columns are narrow as per the…
MS1014 originates from Algeria. The manuscript details the laws of love for a fellow man, honest dealings, and stipulations for other ethical behavior. Its writ consists of two columns of text written on a single panel of beautiful deep brown colored…
This Torah scroll fragment originates from Algeria. Its writ describes many of the civil and ritual laws to be observed by the Hebrews when they came out of Egypt. We calculate its age to be approximately 300 years.
The scroll fragment contains…