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This thoughtfully translated and organized volume is the cornerstone of any Buddhist library. The Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha is a companion to the equally essential The Connected Discourses of the Buddha, The Long Discourses of the…


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This authoritative and highly illustrated study concentrates on Buddhist philosophy and practice from the eighth to the thirteenth century, when the Tibetans were actively engaged in absorbing and importing Buddhist culture and religion from India.…

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Peaks and Lamas is the account of two geographically related things: the climbing of Himalayan peaks and the Himalayan-Tibetan tradition of Buddhism. It was on a climbing expedition to the Ganges-Satlej watershed that Marco Pallis first began to…

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Zen Buddhism is often said to be a practice of mind-to-mind transmission without reliance on texts --in fact, some great teachers forbid their students to read or write. But Buddhism has also inspired some of the greatest philosophical writings of…


Goddess worship has long been a significant aspect of Hinduism. In this book David Kinsley sorts out the rich yet often chaotic history of Hindu goddess worship.
Goddess worship has long been a significant aspect of Hinduism. In this book David…
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