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History of the ancient Persian city, its saints and poets.

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Gershom Scholem guides the reader through central themes in the intricate history of the Kabbalah. He clarifies the relations between mysticism and established religious authority; the mystics' interpretation of the Torah and their attempts to…

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Lectures on Persian poetry. Translations from the poems of Sanai, Attar, Rumi, Saadi and Hafiz

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Gathers sixteenth-century writings about ethics, mysticism, and Jewish spirituality by some of the many teachers in the Galilean community of Safed.

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Ch. 1. Meta-View -- Ch. 2. Image-ination in Mathematics and Religion -- Ch. 3. Holy Mathematics -- Ch. 4. God the Definite Integral and Cantorian Religion -- Appendix A. Understandings of Sign, Symbol, Metaphor, and Model in Religion and Mathematics:…
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